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Are your lips aging as we speak?

Are your lips aging?

So, just like the skin on your face & body, the skin on your lips is aging too…

With aging comes drier lips, smaller lip area, diminished lip volume and more wrinkles, including the very “hard to get rid of” dreaded lip lines. Lip lines are very hard to reverse once they set it, but not impossible, especially with lip filler such as Juvéderm and Restylane and experienced lip injectors like our doctors Kelly Bomer, MD and James Bouzoukis, MD. Believe me, their experience and know-how can make all the difference in your lips! We have some amazing favorite products that can make a huge difference in how your lips age.

But what if you are not interested in lip fillers? Is there anything you can do at home to reverse some of the lip aging and prevent it? Yes, of course! We have some amazing favorite products that can make a huge difference in how your lips age. Choose your next lip rejuvenating product here.

So, head over to Rejuvent and watch a new video on Dr. Bomer’s Anti-Aging Video Series. This video The Secret to Natural and Beautiful Lips features Dr. Bouzoukis and will tell you all about your lips, what happens as it ages, what it can be done with lip volumizing filler and what you can do at home to prevent and reverse some of the damage already incurred.